
Monday, August 15, 2011

Comicbook Characters With Disabilities: Professor Charles Xavier (1963), Daredevil/ Matt Murdock (1964), Oracle/ Barbara Gordon (Batgirl 1966. Oracle 1988), Forge (1984), Soldier Zero (2011), Venom/Flash Thompson (2011)

When Xmen #1 debuted introducing the comic world to Charles Xavier (a paraplegic telepath) and his five mutant students, addressing the characters' disability was overshadowed (even now) in lieu of the story's larger themes of racial discrimination.  He (and the other characters) was created by Stan Lee created a dynamic character for that reason alone, but unintentionally glossed over one of the biggest details that made him original, his disability and the psychological effects of the alien attack that left him that way.

In spite of the Daredevil's blindness being a front and center trait, it was portrayed as important only in that he had overcome disability in his civilian life as Matt Murdock to become a successful attorney.  In the last decade it has become an aspect of his character development (central or not) more frequently, even being some of the funnier parts of the film adaptation.

The original Batgirl was never considered a very significant ally to Batman, but when Barbara Gordon was shot in the back by the Joker her injury made her more popular and even gave her a more significant role in the Batman storylines as Oracle, known for expertise in computer hacking and information gathering.

X-man, Forge came home from Vietnam a double amputee, having lost both his right hand and right leg.

With Soldier Zero and Venom, the psychology of being permanently injured in combat has finally been addressed, the writers of each series even saying that they'd done research interviewing soldiers who had been injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Post Traumatic Stress is another topic that's come out of hiding with these two characters, as well.

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