
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Write about things that broke their routine...

That's something you hear a lot (or at least I have) about writing characters in stories, novels and movies.  That always leaves me completely braindead with writers block.  It occured to me, literally within moments of waking up during my usual routine sleeping in on my days off from work, wouldn't it be more practical to write about things that broke my daily routine and evolve those experiences into my struggling writing?  Maybe.  I have had some interesting interruptions in the last few months, I went to the Phoenix Comicon for the first time this year, somebody flew off the handle at work about something that may or may not have been my fault and had my wisdom teeth pulled a few days ago, just to name two this year.  Some were more exciting than others, but they were different and exciting in their own way to me, because they were different.  A change in my routine.  A virtual goldmine of things I've never written down could still be relevant.

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